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2023’s 30 Under 30 EC&M Electrical All Stars: Jordan Latimer

July 13, 2023
Meet this year's group of up-and-coming innovative electrical professionals


Job Title: Foreman

Company: Hill Electric Co.

Location: Anderson, S.C.

Age: 28; Years on the Job: 9

Interests: Fishing, rebuilding old gas pumps (just like his dad), and spending time with his wife

Jordan Latimer has always enjoyed working with his hands and piddling with electronics. He was introduced to Hill Electric through his friends at the fire department.

Born and raised in Belton, S.C., he started to work for Hill Electric following high school graduation and received on-the-job training. He says mentors at his company have helped him to prepare for his current position as a foreman.

“The assignment I have been at for the past few years offers me continuous learning through the constant variation of installations,” he says. “The installations at my job site go from large power feeders and distribution to machine devices and controls.”

Latimer says he’s proud to represent the skilled trades of South Carolina as part of the 30 Under 30. As a young employee and supervisor, he says it’s important to lead by example.

“If you jump into an installation and set the pace and engage, the rest of the group will follow,” he says. “You can set expectations by your own actions.”

As a job-site foreman, he is responsible for communication to the customer, performance of the crew, management of material/equipment, and quality of the installation.

“When I started, I was responsible for my own actions and installation,” he says. “Now I am responsible for the actions and installation of others.”

Hill Electric is currently performing the electrical installation for a new warehouse expansion and preparing for a large horsepower motor and drive changeout during an upcoming outage. Latimer says he sees himself continuing to work for the company.

“I am comfortable in my role as a site responsible lead, but I am still working on what my next steps are,” he says. “I enjoy the management level I'm at and want to be sure I am fully ready before moving to the next level.”

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Courtesy of Stephens College
Photo 159559629 © Paolo Paradiso |
Photo 318508611 © Alphaspirit |
